Choose Metal for Reliable, Durable Commercial Doors

Energy Efficient and Fire-Resistant Materials to Protect Your Business

When it comes to commercial doors, investment in metal frames is an investment in long-term value. Easily the strongest material available for storefront doors and windows, metals such as steel offer unparalleled durability and strength. Using certain metals also provides greater energy efficiency—steel, for example, offers excellent insulating value, keeping your business and customers comfortable no matter the season.

Versatile Uses for Steel Windows and Storefront Doors

Steel offers numerous advantages for your door or entryway. In addition to greater insulation, fire-rated metals can be used to protect your business in the event of a fire. This insulation and protection is ideal for use in a storefront door, keeping the elements out when not in use and offering greater security.

At CESS, we can:

  • Supply and install your metal doors
  • Provide window kits for stainless steel doors
  • Spray paint stainless steel doors in-house
  • Recommend and install related door hardware
  • Install and service loading dock doors
Contact us today to discuss our services and how a metal door can meet the needs of your business.